Karta od/do Edinburgh
Velika mreža autobuskih linija
Biraj između 3000 odredišta u 40+ zemalja pa zajedno s FlixBusom otkrij cijelu Evropu.
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Naši efikasni autobusi, dokazano imaju odličan ugljični otisak po prijeđenom kilometru/putniku.
Putovanje autobusom i okoliš
Stigni na vrijeme
Dovest ćemo te na odredište – udobno i na vrijeme: 9 od 10 naših autobusa stižu na vrijeme.
Aktuelne informacije o liniji
Autobuska stajališta u Edinburgh
Edinburgh Bus Station
Edinburgh Bus Station
EH1 3DQ Edinburgh
Velika Britanija
EH1 3DQ Edinburgh
Velika Britanija
Pogledajte ovu adresu na Google mapama
FlixBus services depart from Stances 13, 14 and 15.
NOTE: Between 17:00 and 11:00 the UK090 service towards Glasgow departs from outside St Andrew’s House (the Scottish Government building) on Regent Road.
The bus station entrance is located between Louis Vuitton and Computershare.
Edinburgh St Andrew's House
Regent Road
St Andrew's House
EH1 3DG Edinburgh
Velika Britanija
St Andrew's House
EH1 3DG Edinburgh
Velika Britanija
Pogledajte ovu adresu na Google mapama
NOTE: Only the UK090 service towards Glasgow departs from this stop between the hours of 17:00 and 11:00. All other FlixBus services depart from Edinburgh Bus Station.
This stop is location outside the Scottish Government Building on Regent Road.
This stop is wheelchair accessible.
Edinburgh Ingliston Park & Ride (Edinburgh Airport)
Ingliston Park & Ride
Riding Park
EH28 8LS Edinburgh
Velika Britanija
Riding Park
EH28 8LS Edinburgh
Velika Britanija
Pogledajte ovu adresu na Google mapama
Services will depart from the main stop within the Park & Ride.
This stop is wheelchair accessible.
Edinburgh Haymarket Station North (Stop HB)
Edinburgh Haymarket Station South (Stop HH)
Edinburgh Waverly Bridge Stop WA
Edinburgh Zoo North (Stop 1)
Edinburgh Zoo, Corstorphine Road (North Side)
EH12 6UA Edinburgh
Velika Britanija
EH12 6UA Edinburgh
Velika Britanija
Edinburgh Zoo South
Edinburgh Zoo, Corstorphine Road (South Side)
EH12 7AU Edinburgh
Velika Britanija
EH12 7AU Edinburgh
Velika Britanija
Direktno dostupni gradovi
21 |
Broj autobuskih stajališta
8 |
Velika Britanija |
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